

Deciding to build your own shipping crate can save you money, but be sure you get the insight of a trusted and experienced 装箱 and shipping company. 在稳定的十大彩票网站 & 全球赌博靠谱十大网站, there are decades of knowledge to back up our shipping crate designs.

当运送你的贵重物品, it’s important that you use the correct 包装 materials and seek out direction from a knowledgeable source to ensure they arrive safely. Whether you choose to work with a 装箱 and shipping company or do it yourself, the design and engineering of your shipping crate are consequential to a successful shipment.

Understanding what goes into building a shipping crate, utilizing options that meet the needs of your item, and knowing that the shipping stream is unpredictable will help you create a container that can withstand the process. You should never underestimate the level of protection necessary for a damage-free arrival.


步骤1: 衡量物品是否成功创建. Make sure to measure all three dimensions: length, width and height of the item. Weigh your item to make sure the crate base you are going to create is strong enough to support. Many failures occur when the base of the crate is not strong enough to handle the load and transportation rigors.

步骤2: Plan for how you are going to pack your item in your DIY crate. 什么类型的缓冲 将被使用? Isolate any trouble spots (fragile areas) on your article. 确定你是否需要内部支撑.

步骤3: Select the right materials to build your crate with. 你的板条箱需要吗 ISPM-15 bug stamped for international shipping? Select wood that corresponds with the strength of the crate needed to protect your item.

步骤4: 联系承运人运送您的物品. They will need all final dimensioning and 重量 of the item. Common carriers typically offer insurance by pound and will only replace pennies on the dollar for your article.

If it’s all a bit much and you need help at any time, feel free to 接触稳定的十大彩票网站 & 凤凰号货轮, and our team will take away all of your worries concerning pick up, 装箱, 包装, 保险, 运输及派送. 稳定的十大彩票网站 or 随时在线请求报价.

稳定的十大彩票网站 & 全球赌博靠谱十大网站运输板条箱设计

First-hand experience matters when it comes to the 优化板条箱设计,所以确保你的工作与 定制制作团队 它有满足你要求的解决方案.

Our professional staff builds custom crates meticulously, paying close attention to the smallest details while offering the full spectrum of shipping services. 凤凰稳定的十大彩票网站 & 全球赌博靠谱十大网站 understands what’s needed to keep your item safe from start to finish.


  • 与客户讨论-了解每个客户的需求, 规范, 目标, and budget before determining the best 装箱 and shipping strategy
  • 对项目进行全面评估–several factors should be considered prior to crate design, 包括大小, 重量, 价值, 运输方式, 目的地, 和更多的
  • 利用内部团队–our designers and engineers work together using spec-driven technology, 专用设备, and thoughtful analysis to create a container that precisely matches the asset being shipped
  • 构建板条箱强大的习语, quality wood; our teams cut it down to meet the correct size and secure it together using the appropriate heavy-duty materials
  • 装箱–the crate needs to be properly and securely packaged to stay safe throughout transit or while in storage
  • 在板条箱上做标记–to ensure the crate gets to the right place the right way, it will be marked by our team

Building a shipping crate should be done with care, never with a generalized approach. Whether you build on your own or hire a company, make the responsible choice of learning from or partnering with a 装箱 and shipping outfit that 价值s the importance of your assets and proves it.


Reinforcing the shipping crate is just as important as the crate itself. 没有 定制的包装,您的物品处于危险之中. Providing packaging solutions that enhance the safety of your assets is vital.

Comprehensive packaging services may include:

  • 支撑和衬垫–methods that keep the item from moving inside the crate
  • 防静电包装-特别设计的包装, 缓冲, and barriers will keep electrostatic discharges from damaging sensitive electronic items
  • 缓冲-计算物品的密度, 冲击值, 下降, 振动, 和恢复, we’ll use materials like polyethylene or polyurethane foams to cushion your item in its container
  • 热收缩包装-用于需要存储的物品, we offer wrapping techniques that protect against the elements and unwrap easily, 让你的资产免受损害
  • 防蒸气包装–sensitive items or bare metal surfaces can become corroded if in contact with salt water and salt water vapor; this packaging minimizes the risk

包装 methods that complement your item and its shipping crate contribute significantly to a successful outcome, 所以不要忘记这一步.


From extensive protection like blocking and bracing to determining the optimal crate size to using quality materials to build your shipping crate, our Phoenix 装箱 and shipping company has what it takes to manage your unique shipment, 你是否应该决定聘请一家创意公司.

我们有众多的稳定的十大彩票网站服务, 全球影响力, 以及客户和后勤支持, your valuables get much more than a secure shipping crate. 稳定的十大彩票网站 & 全球赌博靠谱十大网站也提供 货物保险增加信心.

我们与各种组织合作, 行业, 和个人, 都在找一样东西,一个保险箱, 可靠的运输和一个免费的损坏, 他们的货物准时到达.

Solutions that are often combined with 装箱 services include:

聪明的, effective shipping crate construction and matching packaging are essential to your secure shipment. Your container must be able to withstand the shipping process, especially when traveling far and touching many hands.

If you’re ready to get your items shipped with us or if you’d like more information on how to build a shipping crate, 今天在凤凰城稳定的十大彩票网站. And you can get your no-obligation cost estimate at any time. 在线报价申请表格在这里.